
Welcome to the January edition of Superposition Fremont’s 2024 Newsletters! While new beginnings may be scary, we hope that all of you are continuing to be mindful of your health, taking on new hobbies or pursuing your interests, and making an effort to get out of your comfort zones. With a fresh start to the new year, we are back with our latest issue, which includes updates on our team application, advice for academic success in the new year, a feminist-STEM themed crossword puzzle, and upcoming scholarship and program opportunities. Enjoy reading!

Are you a female-identifying student passionate about bridging the gender gap in STEM? Our team application to become a member is now open to students in 9th through 12th grade!
This is a stellar extracurricular for people eager to support the youth in our community with meaningful opportunities and collaborate with peers who are also passionate about STEM. Applications are open year-round and will be accepted on a rolling basis.

A NEW SEMESTER: how to stay on top of things

Along with the new year comes the beginning of a new semester. As you dive into the second half of the school year, you may feel more pressure to perform well and earn good grades. Here's some advice to make this year your best yet.
  1. Ensure that you understand your teacher’s expectations and grading style. Focus on how you can improve to better meet their standards. Analyze your past work to see what you can do differently. 
  2. Maintain positive relationships with your teachers and peers. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, and participate in class.
  3. Don’t procrastinate! While this is easier said than done, remember, putting off your work until the last minute is very stressful. It’s always better to have a head start, so you can submit your best work. Making a schedule for your workload can do wonders to prevent you from procrastinating.
  4. Practice, practice, practice! Work on your weaker subjects, and remember, practice makes perfect.


1. Term for when women, on average, earn less than men in the same profession

3. Third woman to win Nobel prize; discovered structure of insulin

5. Women are persistently [   ] in leadership positions of STEM-related fields



2. First African-American woman to graduate with Ph.D. in physics

4. Physicist, chemist; discovered radium

6. Chinese physicist; contributed to Manhattan Project; "First Lady of Physics"

7. Abbrv. organization creating opportunities for young women ;)

DOWN: 1. Gender pay gap; 3. Dorothy Hodgkin; 5. Underrepresented

ACROSS: 2. Shirley Ann Jackson; 4. Marie Curie; 6. Chien-Shiung Wu; 7. SPF

"Tuition Solution" Scholarship

Amount: $500

Deadline: January 31, 2024


   - Graduating senior (class of 2024) planning to enroll as

     a STEM major 

   - University students in STEM also welcome

Description: "How did your passion for STEM start, and how will earning the $500 'Tuition Solution' Scholarship for STEM Students help you fulfill your dreams?" 

Applicants will be selected by their 250-word essay, as well as the number of scholarships applied through Scholarships360 (the platform hosting this scholarship).


Davidson Institute Fellows Scholarship

Amount: Ranges from $10,000 to 50,000

Deadline: February 1, 2024


   - High school student under 18 years old

   - Permanent US resident or citizen

   - Must have completed a significant piece of work in the       field of entry with potential to make a positive

     contribution to society

Description: High-achieving students who have worked to demonstrate significant passion for a field can become a Davidson Fellow. Students may demonstrate their prowess in such fields as the STEM sectors but may also apply for other fields such as music and philosophy. 


Elevate Women in Technology Scholarship 

Amount: $500

Deadline: April 30, 2024


   - Any female student

   - Any educational level and field of study

   - Must be attempting a career that prompts technology

     to improve the world

Description: This scholarship aims to empower the next generation of female leaders in the technology industry and change the gender imbalance that the field consistently upholds. In a 250-400 word essay, applicants are asked to write about one technology that inspires their views about how technology can better our world. 

Thank you for reading our January newsletter! If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to email us at ch_fremont@superposition.tech. See you in our next issue!
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36300 Fremont Blvd, Fremont, California, 94536
