Welcome to the first 2022 issue of Superposition Fremont’s bi-monthly newsletter! Give yourselves a round of applause for ending this year strong, despite any challenges you faced. We hope this year was as thrilling and unique as ours was, and we hope you are looking forward to a new one filled with more opportunities to make new experiences. In this edition, we’ll be doing a Superposition Fremont year highlight reel, and providing you with a multitude of new opportunities. Thank you for joining us and happy reading!
Terris Challenge
From August 1st to the 15th, Superposition Fremont held its first international event: the Terris Challenge. During these two weeks, students ages 13-18 around the world researched and innovated while building a community of fellow STEM enthusiasts through support from exclusive workshops as well as the Terris Challenge Discord server. Participants either created a video pitch for an engineering design of a functional product or wrote a research-based proposal on the findings of their investigation.
Throughout the challenge, participants had the chance to join webinars with STEM professionals including staff from UC Berkeley and the NYU Tandon School of Engineering. You can access recordings of these sessions here: Speaker Panel Recordings. In addition, mentors generously held office hours to provide participants with guidance and advice regarding their projects.
This challenge would have not been possible without our 15 sponsors providing us with prizes and over $1500 in funds as well as our STEM mentors and college panelists sharing their knowledge to us all in our hosted Zoom sessions and Discord. Along with our sponsors, mentors, and panelists, we would also like to thank our participants (over 300 from more than 20 locations!) for their commitment to this competition. Kudos to everyone!
Overall, the Terris Challenge was an overwhelming success! Future events may be coming soon, so be on the lookout if you’re interested in rewarding STEM experiences like this one!
One of our more recent events was a tutoring opportunity, which ran from November 1st to December 10th! Elementary through middle school students were able to receive tutoring from volunteer high school tutors on STEM subjects like biology and algebra. This event allowed high school students to earn service hours and even qualify for the Presidential Volunteer Service Award!
Social Media Recaps
Throughout the year, Superposition Fremont released many different post series. One of our earliest was a STEAM coffee cafe, which included cafe themed descriptions on various careers. We also featured month-long observances, including many about amazing women in STEM for Women’s History Month and AAPI history month. Over the summer, our series on science experiments allowed followers to discover something quick and fun to do during break. Due to many good schools for STEM majors being sidelined by more well-known ones, a college spotlight post series was also made over the summer. As school began again, we had new series on back to school tips. Overall, Superposition had a very active social media this year, and we hope to continue to introduce new and exciting things to our followers for the next one!
New Year Magic 8-Ball
Do you want to learn how to use Python to create a magic 8-ball that can predict your year? Just like a physical one, this magic 8-ball will use the idea of 'randomness' to give you the answers to your questions. Read on!
- Open an IDE, such as the one on replit.com, and start a new Python project.
- Import the random integer generator for python by writing from random import randint, this will add the random integer function to your code
- Make your code take an input with the input() command. In the parentheses, add a string of text you want the code to print out, such as “Enter a question here: “
- To generate and store a random integer between 1 and 3, write the following code: number = randint(1,4). This will pick a number greater than or equal to 1 but strictly less than 4.
- Now, time to write some conditionals. Begin with if number == 1: print (“yes”)
- To add an else if statement, write elif number == 2: print(“no”)
- To add an else, add else: print(“maybe”)
- You can continue adding blocks of elif conditions before the else condition if you want to add more options for the magic 8 ball to choose from. Just make sure to increase the randint function maximum value from 4 to be able to pick higher numbers.
- Run your code, asking it questions to predict your year!
- Bonus: can you think of how you can change the code so it picks a random choice from a list of different magic 8-ball responses?
Women in STEM Academic Scholarship
Amount: $3000
Deadline: April 15th 2022
- Looking for women who are pursuing an undergraduate or master's degree and are majoring in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics during the 2022 school year.
Spring 2022 Labroots Travel Scholarships
Amount: $1000
Deadline: February 28th, 2022
Description: Travel to academic conferences, or for research, is often a required part of being a student. However, flights, hotels, membership fees, and even rental cars can be a significant financial burden on students at all degree levels. The 2022 Labroots Travel Scholarship will provide $1000 to one undergraduate or graduate student to directly offset the travel costs during the Spring conference season. Applicants must be enrolled or accepted for an undergraduate or graduate degree (BA/BS or higher) for the 22/23 academic year at a recognized institution.
Summer 2022 Labroots research Scholarship
Amount: $1000
Deadline: April 1st - May 31st, 2022
Description: Conducting research can be expensive. Equipment, software, and other important resources are not always provided to students, but Labroots is here to help. The 2022 Labroots Summer Research Scholarship will provide $1000 to one undergraduate or graduate student to directly offset the costs of conducting research during Summer 2022. Applicants must be enrolled or accepted for an undergraduate or graduate degree (BA/BS or higher) for the 22/23 academic year at a recognized institution.
Boston University Summer Challenge
Academic Experience: Choose 2 of 20 seminars to expand your academic horizons
Dates: two weeks, on June 19, July 10, and July 24
- Rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors
Description: Get ready to experience life on a college campus and take on new academic challenges in this exceptional residential summer program.
Boston University High School Honors
Academic Experience: Choose from more than 80 college courses and earn college credit
Dates: six weeks, starting July 3
Eligibility: rising juniors and seniors
You will be able to have an authentic college experience, studying alongside BU undergrads, while earning up to 8 college credits in just six weeks, benefiting from BU’s world-class faculty, academic advising, and resources, and build new connections that can last a lifetime.
Girls Who Code Summer Immersion Program
Dates: June 17 - August 12
- early acceptance: Wednesday, February 16th
- general application: Friday, March 18th
Qualifications: current 9th-11th grade students
Description: It is a live, virtual, 2-week introductory computer science course, where you’ll learn web development with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript while getting an inside look into the tech industry.
Thank you for reading our 2021 recap newsletter! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us through email or Instagram. See you soon :) |
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